Become a Member
How much does a membership cost?
We do not charge an initial drop in fee. However, we do ask that once you've come for a few playtimes and would like to come regularly, to then register for a membership to help support the local Badminton Community
Registration is $50.00 for an INDIVIDUAL MEMBER or Join as a FAMILY @ $70.00 for first family member + $10 for each additional family member. (Memberships Include Badminton Nova Scotia Community Membership Fee)
We do not charge an initial drop in fee. However, we do ask that once you've come for a few playtimes and would like to come regularly, to then register for a membership to help support the local Badminton Community
Registration is $50.00 for an INDIVIDUAL MEMBER or Join as a FAMILY @ $70.00 for first family member + $10 for each additional family member. (Memberships Include Badminton Nova Scotia Community Membership Fee)
Antigonish Badminton Play TimesClick Here for our play times and locations.
Badminton EtiquetteOur community is built on respect and sportsmanship.
Badminton Nova Scotia![]() Find current information on Provincial and Atlantic Series tournaments, as well as Provincial Team training and updates.
Go to BadmintonNS 2020/2021 Tournament CalendarStay tuned for the upcoming 2020/2021 tournament series calendar.
Stringing ServicesBroke a string? There are currently two active members who offer racket stringing services. Let us know and we will point you in their direction! Stringing fee is $25.